Continuing from the previous update, a circa 1950 northeast view from just west of Clover Dr. of the SN private right-of-way along Shafter Ave. is shown. How did this area transform during the SN era?
L37-05-Richard Jenevein Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 93696sn, (Image 1 of 23)
The section of Shafter Ave. east of Ross St. to Patton St. grade crossing, red line, took the SN off the asphalt to its own private right-of-way. 1939, Ref. BUT-BUU-289-66, top; 1956, Ref. G4364_B5_A4_1956_R6_no.116-2, bottom.
L37-10-USDA AAA Western Division, RM Towill, and Earth Science and Map Library, UC Berkeley, (Image 2 of 23)
Houses cleared for BART and Highway 24 in the mid-1960s shown in 1956: present in 1939 and cleared, green circles; built between 1947 and 1956 and cleared, red circles; built between 1939 and 1946 and cleared, blue circles. The yellow circle indicates a house built after 1946 that survives. Brookside Ave. north of Broadway was substantially built up between 1939 and 1946, but the road and associated homes were eventually replaced by Highway 24. Ref. G4364_B5_A4_1956_R6_no.116-2
L37-15-RM Towill Photo, Courtesy Earth Sciences and Map Library, University of California, Berkeley, (Image 3 of 23)
The private-right-of way was not something added to an already developed neighborhood. As with most of the SN right-of-way from this point all the way to Walnut Creek, the railroad pre-dated most development. The transition of east Rockridge from open country to its current state is captured in this east view from 1935. Detail.
L37-20-HJW Geospatial Inc, Pacific Aerial Surveys, Oakland CA, Courtesy East Bay Regional Park Distr, (Image 4 of 23)
This east view from June 8, 1940 showing the rear of a three-car passenger train sitting on the private right-of-way shows the absence of homes on the north side of Patton St., allowing a clear view of Upper Rockridge as just reviewed.
L37-25-Wilbur C. Whittaker Photo, Veilbaum Coll., Courtesy BAERA, W. Railway Museum Arch., 13279sn, (Image 5 of 23)
Shown here is an east view at the private right-of-way with SN 1005 and MW 302 on their inaugural excursion pairing, Jul. 6, 1952. The homes and apartments on Patton St. overlook the scene, while a block signal and a slice of Brookside Ave. can be seen to the far left of the image, or east.
L37-30-Dudley Thickens Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 60068sn 5, (Image 6 of 23)
Just a few years earlier adds the presence of a sign. SN 652 sets to make the transition to asphalt in this east image, circa 1950.
L37-35-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 59872sn, (Image 7 of 23)
Closer to Patton St., this east view circa 1950 with SN 604 and one of its related motors at the rear brings out further details to the Patton St. dwellings and the western-facing home on Brookside Ave.
L37-40-Tom Gray Photo, Courtesy Tom Gray , (Image 8 of 23)
This very similar east view circa 1950 with SN 605 in the lead of a freight is included in this review because of the presence in the rear behind a second motor of MW 302 and Salt Lake and Utah 751, likely in connection with an excursion trip. The license plate on the car has a black background with light letters, so this must have been between 1951-1953 based on the SN 605 designation.
L37-45-Robert S. Ford Photo, Moreau Coll., Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 110750sn, (Image 9 of 23)
Turning slightly more to the north, this easterly image of SN 661 kicking up dust circa 1952 is approximately even with Clover Dr. Homes along the north side of Shafter are now in view, particularly 5710 on the east corner of Clover Dr. seen along the left border.
L37-50-Norman Smith Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 55609sn, (Image 10 of 23)
SN 661 and 5710 Clover Dr. are the centers of attention in this circa 1952 north view. Only the back of the sign by the tracks is visible, clearly in view of oncoming traffic from Clover Dr.
L37-55-Norman Smith Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 55607.2, (Image 11 of 23)
Turning to the south in 1956, this image captured sister motors SN 660 and 661 and their numerical size difference. Even more rare, however, is the view at the right corner of the image of the south side of Shafter Ave. and the backs of homes along the north side of Keith Ave.
L37-60-Harre Demoro Photo, Courtesy Ray Raineri from the John Harder Collection, (Image 12 of 23)
Now approximately at the level of Chabot Ct., MW 3020 heads east in this west view. Although labelled Oct. 1948, this image most likely represents the BAERA-sponsored SN excursion from Sept 12, 1948.
L37-65-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 51721sn, (Image 13 of 23)
SN 653 inches this freight further east along the Shafter Ave. private-right-of-way to the block signals, west view, circa 1950.
L37-70-Dave Gumz Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 59871sn, (Image 14 of 23)
An east view of the junction of Shafter Ave. and Patton St. was a favorite spot for SN photographers during excursions. Here, from Sept. 12, 1948, MW 302 poses for the camera, which, unintentional or not, also provides a glimpse of homes on Margarido Dr., upper right, and Brookside Ave., far left.
L37-75-Tom Gray Photo, Courtesy Tom Gray , (Image 15 of 23)
A similar east view, this time SN 654 leading MW 302 onto the private right-of-way, May 2, 1954. Here the back of the homes on Margarido Dr.’s north side are clearly seen and match the overhead profiles presented in L37-10.
L37-80-Dudley Thickens Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 59865sn, (Image 16 of 23)
Turning slightly to the north on May 2, 1954, this image eliminates evidence of any nearby homes. The Claremont Laboratory of EBMUD can be seen in the distance on Rockridge curve, middle left of image, as can the homes in the Oakland-Berkeley hills.
L37-85-Harre Demoro Photo, Courtesy John Harder , (Image 17 of 23)
This east view from the mid-1950s shows the admiring crowd at the rear of Salt Lake and Utah parlor car 751. The image documents the uphill path of Brookside Ave. as it branches from Patton St., seen just to the left, or east, of the front of SN 1005.
L37-90-Tom Gray Photo, Courtesy Tom Gray , (Image 18 of 23)
This color image of SN 653, WP observation car, and Salt Lake and Utah parlor car 751, east view, brings the action closer to real life. Although dated June 25, 1956 on the Kodachrome slide, comparison with other images dates this image to July 8, 1956.
L37-95-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 59862sn, (Image 19 of 23)
SN 660 is already across the Patton St. grade, but SN 652 on the rear still glides along Shafter Ave. in this northeast view from Sept. 7, 1956.
L37-100-Fred Matthews Photo, Courtesy Anonymous Donor, (Image 20 of 23)
This northeast image from 1954 brings into view the grade crossing with Patton St. and the Oakland-Berkeley hills. The white house at the far left, 5805 Shafter Ave., provides documentation of the most easterly house on the north side of Shafter Ave. that did not survive the building of Highway 24 and BART.
L37-90-John Harder Photo, Courtesy John Harder Photo 105, (Image 21 of 23)
As a review of what has been just covered, two aerial views from Apr. 8, 1953 are included starting with this southwest view with Ross St. along the top, and the Chabot Elementary School berm along the bottom.
L37-110-Copyright California Deptment of Transportation, 3300-40, Detail , (Image 22 of 23)
A complementary northeast view from Apr. 8, 1953 to conclude.
L37-115-Copyright California Deptment of Transportation, 3300-41, Detail , (Image 23 of 23)