Train 27 composed of SN 1012 and 1026, the Concord Local, heads west down Shepherd Canyon on Apr. 4, 1940. In the distance is Havens with a large set of cars on the spur.
L74-05-Roy Covert Photo, Vernon Sappers Collection, Courtesy BAERA, WRM Archives, 67912sn , (Image 1 of 14)
In addition to accommodating trains passing in opposite directions as in this east image of train 7 meeting train 8 from May 12, 1940, the southmost, single-ended spur could accommodate 10 or so maintenance-of-way cars used to maintain the trans-county tunnel about 400 yards to the east.
L74-10-Vernon Sappers Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 67915sn, (Image 2 of 14)
The SN didn’t haul circus cars into Shepherd Canyon, but the display of cars on the spur could be considered the “Greatest Show on Earth”. Water cars, modified flat cars holding lumber or “jumbo” cars, kitchen cars marked by emission of smoke, bunk cars and converted box cars that carried equipment as in this west view from Jun. 1940.
L74-15-Vernon Sappers Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 67921sn, (Image 3 of 14)
Paul Smith’s circa 1940 southwest view may be considered “la menagerie extraordinaire”. Retired box car motors, the fourth car, right to left, moved the second car, modified flat car or “jumbo” car MW 46, into the tunnel to allow access to the top of the tunnel ceiling and overhead wires. The small shed on the first car might have been ordered by a local lumber company for pick-up.
L74-20-Paul Smith Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 67525sn , (Image 4 of 14)
SN 653 heads west past a tunnel train encamped on the spur in this northeast view circa 1950. Looks like mealtime for a traveling circus.
L74-25-Dave Gumz Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 72620sn , (Image 5 of 14)
Even old passenger steam coaches, typically cars no longer wanted by the Southern Pacific, served as bunk cars on these work trains. North view, Dec. 1947. For a very thorough and extensive survey providing the origins and types of SN maintenance of way equipment, see Garth Groff’s excellent write-up at
L74-30-Robert L Stein Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 47201sn, (Image 6 of 14)
The most well-known maintenance-of-way car was MW 302. According to Demoro’s “SN” book, it was built in Berkeley by the Hall-Scott Motor Car Company as car 1020 for the Oakland, Antioch and Eastern. It was best known for assisting in post-WWII inspections and SN excursions such as this one from Sept. 12, 1948. Southwest view.
L74-35-Tom Gray Photo, Courtesy Tom Gray, (Image 7 of 14)
MW 302 also assisted in moving small loads in the Havens area, here shown in multiple undated scenes. Top left photo by Addison Laflin, other three by Dave Gumz.
L74-40-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, (Image 8 of 14)
MW 302 was eventually donated to the Western Railway Museum in 1962 where it lives on as car 1020, but not before it had been converted to a bunk car after the motor burned out on a Northern California Railroad Club excursion from Oct. 24, 1954. Here in a southwest view, again from Sept 12, 1948.
L74-45-Railroad Negative Exchange, Courtesy Charles Smiley, (Image 9 of 14)
The all-steel MW 302 survived the Oct. 24, 1954 incident such that SN 660 and WP observation car 6121 were brought in to continue the adventure on the same day, here documented in a west view from that date.
L74-50-Arthur Lloyd Photo, Courtesy Arthur Lloyd, (Image 10 of 14)
More of the same, southwest view Oct. 24, 1954.
L74-55-Arthur Lloyd Photo, Courtesy Arthur Lloyd, (Image 11 of 14)
Some fan trips began at Havens on the spur such as this one from June 17, 1956, south view, where WP 6121, Salt Lake and Utah 751 and an unidentified gondola can be seen being prepared prior to hook-up with motor SN 653.
L74-60-Dave Gumz Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 72617sn, (Image 12 of 14)
Either SN 653 or another motor not related to the excursion approaches from the west in this southwest view from June 17, 1956.
L74-65-Dave Gumz Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 72616sn, (Image 13 of 14)
With hook-up to SN 653 complete, and attendees delivered by bus, the excursion train is ready to head down the spur to meet the mainline, the next destination when we return to Havens.
L74-70-Tom Gray Photo, Courtesy Tom Gray , (Image 14 of 14)