The SN yard and facilities north of Clayton Rd. serving their Concord operation had several components. In this north view from within SN 1005 during a July 8, 1956 excursion, the place for storing several SN rolling stock adjacent to the railway’s electrical sources comes into view, reached by the right track from the switch deviating from the mainline.
L135-05-EK Muller Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 78460sn, (Image 1 of 15)
The evolution of the SN Concord facilities have been covered by aerials presented in “Comparative Panoramic Views of the Concord SN Depot Area”. Here, as a reminder, is Robert Campbell, Sr.’s westerly-oriented drawing of the key structures in close proximity to the SN depot during the SN era.
L135-10-Robert A Campbell, Sr Drawing, C Beach Collection, Courtesy BAERA, WRM Archives, 61178sn, (Image 2 of 15)
Proceeding along the right switch track from L135-05, this northeast view from Jan. 13, 1957 shows speeder SN 54, SN boxcar 2339, and MW 302 on the two dead-end tracks splitting the substation, left, from the Pacific, Gas and Electric transformers, right.
L135-15-Roy Proffer Photo,Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 102996sn, (Image 3 of 15)
A north view with speeder 54 and MW 302 also from Jan 13, 1957 provides the brilliant, untouched color slides from the camera of Richard Kampa. Appreciate that MW 302 had left the excursion fleet since its motor burned in Oct. 1954.
L135-20-Richard Kampa Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 103818sn, (Image 4 of 15)
This northeast view from 1941 with SN 1016 and trailer confirms the Pacific, Gas and Electric connection with the SN, reflecting the 1930 merger with the original Oakland and Antioch supplier of electricity, the Great Western Power Company.
L135-25-Arthur Lloyd Photo, Courtesy Arthur Lloyd, (Image 5 of 15)
A more easterly view of the City Limit sign, adjacent Pacific, Gas and Electric operation, and the Line and Signal Department facilities from Dec. 1953.
L135-30-Jeff Moreau Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives,100996.1sn, (Image 6 of 15)
A southeast view from the last day of passenger operation, June 30, 1941, shows SN 1016 leading a four-car train on the spur with the hay barn in clear view behind it.
L135-35-Louis Bradas, Jr Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 67946sn, (Image 7 of 15)
MW 302 with a fresh coat of paint in this east view from mid-1954 sits in front of the substation ready to lead a tour to the north side of the depot.
L135-40-Courtesy Tom Gray, Tom Gray Photo, (Image 8 of 15)
Next a south view from June 22, 1941 shows SN 1014 and more features of the north-facing side of the depot and substation.
L135-45-Dudley Thickens Photo, Courtesy Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 100977sn , (Image 9 of 15)
This south view from the July 8, 1956 excursion with SN 1005 and Salt Lake and Utah 751 is included to show the transition point of the extension of the wood depot structure to a steel structure.
L135-50-Richard Kampa Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 103817sn, (Image 10 of 15)
A detailed evolution of the north-facing side of the depot is incomplete, but this undated south view provides details of the original structure.
L135-55-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 97263sn, (Image 11 of 15)
The plans shown here from Jan 1924 provide the layout for the depot seen in most SN passenger-era images from the 1930s, although the exact date or execution of these plans have not been found. This is shown next ..
L135-60-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 27253sn, (Image 12 of 15)
... an image of SN 1026 at the depot with a three-car train led by SN 1006 on the main spur ca. 1937, south view.
L135-65-Roy Covert Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 100993sn, (Image 13 of 15)
At the end of passenger service, here showing SN 661 during the return of passenger cars to Chico, July 1, 1941 in a south view, the steel structure has been added to the depot’s north-facing wall at the expense of the loading platform, beyond what could be anticipated in the plans shown in L135-60.
L135-70-Richard Jenevein Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 103826sn , (Image 14 of 15)
SN 1019 waits for a freight led by SN 660 to pass heading north on the private right-of-way in this south view ca. 1940, this section of track being the next topic on the ride through Concord.
L135-75-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 100986sn, (Image 15 of 15)